Gotu Kola Powder (Ancient Asian Herb)
2Gotu Kola Powder
One of the Main Herbs taken by Li Ching Yuen
Pure and Raw dried Gotu Kola
Traditionally used in Ayurveda
About Gotu Kola
Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is a perennial herb with a rich history in the traditional Ayurveda. Other terms used to refer to it include pennywort, marsh penny, water pennywort, Indian pennywort and sheep rot. Gotu kola is a Sri Lankan term which means cone leaf due to the cup-shape of the leaves as they grow. The leaves of the plant are edible and their colour ranges from yellow to green. The plant grows horizontally through its long stems which connect to each other. Also, it can creep onto surfaces when support is provided. The tropical plant which belongs to the same family as parsley is dried after which the leaves, fruits, stems, and roots are ground into the powder. The leaves of the plant, which are the most commonly used plant parts, are tasteless and odourless. The aerial parts of the plant regenerate quite fast once they have been harvested.
Gotu kola thrives in a warm and humid climate. Also, it grows well in and around water. In Sri Lanka, the locals harvest the plant from river streams, swamps, and paddy fields where rice is grown. The gotu kola plant is highly adaptive and exhibits properties that enable it to survive either on land or in water. When growing in water, the plant is able to stay afloat on account of its leaves. In drylands, the plant develops deep roots with relatively tiny leaves. Some of the countries which have been involved in the cultivation of gotu kola include India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, South Africa, Indonesia, Australia, and China.
The earliest history of the plant can be traced back to South East Asia. Gotu kola was highly revered in traditional Asian and Chinese medicine. The natives linked the herbal plant to spiritual wellness. They used it during their yoga and meditation sessions. The herb was referred to as sheep rot especially in Europe. The natives believed that the plant brought about foot-rot in sheep after they took it. In India, the locals refer to gotu kola as the “tiger herb”. This is because injured tigers lie on the plants and roll over them to achieve a relaxing effect. In Sri Lanka, the natives took the leaves of the plant after associating it with the long lifespan and exceptional memory of the elephants. They started eating the leaves of the plant after noticing that the elephants were feeding on them as well. Also, the Sinhalese people in India subscribe to a popular ancient saying that goes "Two leaves a day will keep old age away," By this, they refer to the belief that the plant contributes to longevity although this belief has never been scientifically proven.
In Chinese culture, the indigenous referred to it as the “miracle elixirs of life”. This is based on Li Ching-Yuen popularisation of the herb, the ancient Chinese herbalist is said to have lived to the age of around 200 years and gotu kola was one of the herbs consumed quite regularly, more interesting information on Li Ching-Yen can be found on wikipedia:
How to use
We suggest taking 1 -5 grams up to 3 times a day mixed with water, juice or smoothies
We also have these available in capsules:
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Very good
Very good. Both my sleep, memory and general feeling of wellness have all showed some improvement already. Worth to note, however, is that some time may be expected for such natural herbs to take full effect, and also I at about same time bought Bacopa from you and have used that to besides. So it may be a little difficult to know exactly the separate effect of Gotu Kola especially.
Gabriel's GCSE partner!
I bought this for myself to help with meditation. However,my 15 year old son high jacked as soon as he learned about the benefits for his brain. He prepares his own teas in the mornings. His focus,concentration and lack of anxiety for his mock exams are defiantly why I will continue to order this. So far he is doing very well in them and his over all attitude is very positive and happy.