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How Ashwagandha Helps With Anxiety and Stress — and Promotes Sleep!

Leading a busy lifestyle, always being swamped with paper works and juggling schedules – you may probably be putting yourself under constant pressure. All these are contributors to anxiety and stress, and of course, lack of sleep.

As a result, you might have always been worn out – zero energy to do other things or perhaps get more out of life, making you choose to stay indoors on the weekends instead of hanging out with friends or loved ones. But this won’t happen if you’d just prioritize having a good night sleep – with a less stressed body and brain. It is a good thing that there is now a potential solution – a workaround against anxiety, stress and lack of sleep. What is it? Ashwagandha.

ashwagandha powder

What Is Ashwagandha?

It’s an Indian herb known for its adaptogenic effects, meaning it may help your body cope up (or adapt) to any types of stress, and it may normalize your body for an increased energy level to keep up with your day.  Being an adaptogenic supplement, it also helps you attain better life function but without suffering from an addictive effect.

[Traditional Indian cultures utilize its roots for many purposes – cure chronic pain, promote male virility and treat tumors].

Why Do You Need It vs. Anxiety and Stress (and Troubled Sleep)?

Too much stress can lead to anxiety. If it gets worse — to depression and chronic sleep deprivation. And if you’re body is in a constant and never-ending stress, which sends you to troubled sleep or worse… insomnia, you can probably imagine how you’re putting it under much disruption. As a result, you might suffer from poor body function, mental fogginess, physical sluggishness, and the long list goes on. And just imagine how it would be that difficult to cope up or survive another day when you’re feeling like sh*t?

[With insomnia, a condition in which your body cannot regulate its sleep and wake cycles, resulting to deterioration in metabolism, hormonal balance and immunity.]

Ashwagandha has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that protect brain cells and major organs, and it promotes better sleep – and that’s a proven claim.

If you’re suffering from insomnia, you can take it so that you can benefit from its natural relaxation and de-stressing effects. It can cut stress by reducing cortisol, a hormone released by the body when it is under stress.

[What happens is that cortisol can trigger the different body reactions, also called fight or flight reactions. But with Ashwagandha, you can reduce your cortisol levels – and that also translates to balanced sugar levels and normalized blood pressure].

Aside from promoting a sound sleep at night, Ashwagandha also offers mental benefits, including an improved memory, which is obviously useful if you’re into multitasking.

[Multitasking is the new black and it is also one of the causes of chronic stress. With a better memory, your stress level can be reduced further because you are less likely to be forgetful, which may also be due to lack of sleep].

The herb shields your brain cells from the harmful effects of free radicals with its antioxidant properties. It simply means that you can protect your brain cells from rapid deterioration, which sometimes lead to Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, among other neuro-degenerative disorders.

What Science Says About Ashwagandha

In a 2012 study comprised of 64 volunteers, researchers discovered that it could reduce anxiety. The treatment group was given 300 mg of the extract for two months and the participants reduced their anxiety scores versus the placebo group, but without any side effects.  Additionally, they scored a reduced cortisol level.

[Ashwagandha lowers cortisol levels based on an Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine’s published study, showing it could lower cortisol levels by up to 28% versus those who got the placebo].

And when it comes to depression, anxiety and stress, the herb also delivered excellent results in reducing all these factors leading to lack of sleep. Participants who were given the herb scored better on the different psychological tests, which aimed at measuring overall well-being, anxiety and stress level. Their test scores dropped by 72% on the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale and the General Health Questionnaire-28, while 44% in the Perceived Stress Scale – meaning the treated participants lowered their level of stress and anxiety and improved their well-being.

Best part is that those who were given the herb also felt mentally calm and relaxed – as their test scores revealed lower levels of social dysfunction, depression, insomnia and anxiety. 

And with a calmer and relaxed mental state, you can enjoy better productivity and life quality.


So if you’re someone suffering from anxiety and stress or lack of sleep due to insomnia triggered by any of these, you may want to consider supplementing with Ashwagandha.

Studies also concluded that it may also help women with stress-induced hormonal imbalance, men with poor sperm count and individuals suffering from hair loss.

Wrapping up, Ashwagandha may be for...

  • Reduced anxiety, depression and stress
  • Improved vitality
  • Protected brain cells from rapid deterioration due to flooding free radicals that destroy their natural makeup
  • An active and stronger body
  • Regulated sleep by restoring the body’s natural mechanism in controlling its sleep and wake cycles
  • Treatment of stress-induced hormonal imbalance


Given all these benefits, Ashwagandha may be what you need to restore energy, improve sleep and calm your mind, among other pros mentioned here.  But then, you should consult your doctor prior to supplementation for that matter.  And when given the green light, choose an organic Ashwagandha powder and use it as directed for the best results.  Hopefully, you can reduce anxiety and stress and improve sleep quality with this powerful, scientifically proven adaptogenic drink today!

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